Qigong (Chi Kung)
Clinical Qigong Healing (Medical Qigong)
Clinical Qigong Healing, also known as Medical Qigong, Qigong Clinical Practice and External Qi Healing, is energy healing that has deep roots in China. This style of Classical Chinese medicine works with the same energy system that acupuncture does. The difference is that Qigong Healing is rooted in helping a person shift on the spirit and soul levels. Needles are not used. Instead, the Qigong Healer works by projecting energy from his/her hands and fingers to help remove energetic blockages and stagnation, thereby opening the energetic anatomy and helping improve energy flow in the body. Qigong practices are taught as homework to enhance the client's ability to heal him/herself. Diet and lifestyle changes can also be offered as suggestions to assist healing.